The public home page is the main page of the website that appears when a visitor views the website. This page is publicly available and any content posted on the home page is available to anyone who visits the website.
This page appears when you click the Home link in the main menu.
There are many different modules that can be displayed or removed from the home page.
The members home page is the first page that appears when a user logs into the website. It provides a member login alert page to let the member know they have successfully logged in. It also give you the opportunity to present information to members directly when they login.
Articles can be posted to the member home page similar to the what's new area of the public home page.
What's New articles appear on the homepage in the what's new, what's new boxed, and what's new rotator modules.
The what's new module displays the articles in a vertical list, one article per line, in a plain format.
Headline articles appear on the homepage in the headline modules. There are 3 headline modules, Headlines, Headlines 2x, and Headlines 3x. The Headlines modules will display an unlimited number of headline modules in a vertical listing with one article per line.