Your initial UnionActive website will be created using a temporary domain that will allow you to setup and preview the site before going live with your official domain name. The temporary domain will be in the format of
Once your order is ready, we will send you the temporary domain link and an administrator username and password to begin using the website. You must complete and return the UnionActive Contract and pay the initial setup fee before your order will be processed.
You can use the temporary domain to setup your UnionActive website, adjust settings, enter content, and generally get the website ready for use. The temporary domain should not be given out to your membership or used for signing up users. The email functions and registration activation features will not work until your site is live with the official domain name.
Once you have the temporary domain ready to go live, we will activate the new official domain name, or assist you in transferring an existing domain name to use with the UnionActive system. At that time the email services will be activated and you may begin registering members.